
The mock class for the base Sequelize interface.

new Sequelize([database], [username], [password], [options])

Sequelize Mock Object. This can be initialize much the same way that Sequelize itself is initialized. Any configuration or options is ignored, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for Sequelize but does not have all the same functionality or features.


Name Type Description
[database] String Ignored for Mock objects, supported to match Sequelize
[username] String Ignored for Mock objects, supported to match Sequelize
[password] String Ignored for Mock objects, supported to match Sequelize
[options] String Options object. Most default Sequelize options are ignored unless listed below. All, however, are available by accessing sequelize.options
[options.dialect='mock'] String Dialect that the system will use. Avaible to be returned by getDialect() but has no other effect
[options.autoQueryFallback] Boolean Flag inherited by defined Models indicating if we should try and generate results based on the query automatically
[options.stopPropagation] Boolean Flag inherited by defined Models indicating if we should not propagate to the parent


Options passed into the Sequelize initialization


Used to cache and override model imports for easy mock model importing


Models that have been defined in this Sequelize Mock instances


Version number for the Mock library


Reference to the mock Sequelize class


Reference to the Util functions


Reference to the bluebird promise library


Object containing all of the Sequelize QueryTypes.


Reference to the mock Model class


Reference to the mock Instance class

$queueResult(result) -> Sequelize

Queue a new query result to be returned by either the query method call or as a fallback from queries from Models defined through the define method.
Alias $queueQueryResult, $qqr



Name Type Description
result Any The object or value to be returned as the result of a query


Sequelize: self

$queueFailure(error, [options]) -> Sequelize

Queue a new query result to be returned by either the query method call or as a fallback from queries from Models defined through the define method. This result is returned as a rejected promise for testing error handling.
Alias $queueQueryFailure, $queueError, $queueQueryError, $qqf



Name Type Description
error Any The object or value to be returned as the failure for a query
[options] Object
[options.convertNonErrors] Boolean Flag indicating if non Error objects should be allowed. Defaults to true


Sequelize: self

$clearQueue() -> Sequelize

Clears any queued results from $queueResult or $queueFailure
Alias $queueClear, $queueQueryClear, $cqq, $qqc



Sequelize: self

$overrideImport(importPath, overridePath)

Overrides a path used for import



Name Type Description
importPath String The original path that import will be called with
overridePath String The path that should actually be used for resolving. If this path is relative, it will be relative to the file calling the import function

getDialect() -> String

Returns the specified dialect


String: The specified dialect

getQueryInterface() -> QueryInterface

Returns the current instance of QueryInterface



QueryInterface: The instantiated QueryInterface object used for test query

define(name, [obj={}], [opts]) -> Model

Define a new mock Model. You should provide a name and a set of default values for this new Model. The default values will be used any time a new Instance of this model is created and will be overridden by any values provided specifically to that Instance.

Additionally an options object can be passed in with an instanceMethods map. All of functions in this object will be added to any Instance of the Model that is created.

All models are available by name via the .models property


sequelize.define('user', {
        'name': 'Test User',
        'email': '',
        'joined': new Date(),
    }, {
        'instanceMethods': {
            'tenure': function () { return - this.get('joined'); },


  • Model


Name Type Description
name String Name of the mock Model
[obj={}] Object Map of keys and their default values that will be used when querying against this object
[opts] Object Options for the mock model
[opts.instanceMethods] Object Map of function names and the functions to be run. These functions will be added to any instances of this Model type


Model: Mock Model as defined by the name, default values, and options provided

isDefined(name) -> Boolean

Checks whether a model with the given name is defined.

Uses the .models property for lookup.


Name Type Description
name String Name of the model


Boolean: True if the model is defined, false otherwise

import(path) -> Any

Imports a given model from the provided file path. Files that are imported should export a function that accepts two parameters, this sequelize instance, and an object with all of the available datatypes

Before importing any modules, it will remap any paths that were overridden using the $overrideImport test function. This method is most helpful when used to make the SequelizeMock framework import your mock models instead of the real ones in your test code.


Name Type Description
path String Path of the model to import. Can be relative or absolute


Any: The result of evaluating the imported file's function

model(name) -> Model

Fetch a Model which is already defined.

Uses the .models property for lookup.


Name Type Description
name String Name of the model


Model: Mock model which was defined with the specified name

query() -> Promise.<Any>

Run a mock query against the QueryInterface associated with this Sequelize instance


Promise.<Any>: The next result of a query as queued to the QueryInterface

transaction([fn]) -> Promise

This function will simulate the wrapping of a set of queries in a transaction. Because Sequelize Mock does not run any actual queries, there is no difference between code run through transactions and those that aren't.


Name Type Description
[fn] Function Optional function to run as a tranasction


Promise: Promise that resolves the code is successfully run, otherwise it is rejected

literal(arg) -> Any

Simply returns the first argument passed in, unmodified.


Name Type Description
arg Any Value to return


Any: value passed in

authenticate() -> Promise

Always returns a resolved promise


Promise: will always resolve as a successful authentication