
To support running mock queries, we use this object to queue results for queries. This is to provide full control over the objects that are returned and do so in a way that allows you to target specific code paths.

Queries are queued in a "first in, last out" manner, so they should be inserted in the order your code would expect them in. The queue itself does no checking or validation for what types of objects are being passed around except in the case of failures (see $queueFailure).

Note: This is not an equivalent mock of Sequelize's built in QueryInterface at the moment. The built in object for Sequelize is undocumented and is marked as @private in their code, meaning it is not likely something to be relied on. If this changes it can be mocked here. Functions have been prefixed with the mock prefix ($) for this reason.

new QueryInterface([options])

The QueryInterface class is used to provide common mock query functionality. New instances of this class should mostly be created internally, however the functions on the class are exposed on objects utilize this class.


Name Type Description
[options] Object Options for the query interface to use
[options.parent] QueryInterface Parent QueryInterface object to propagate up to
[options.stopPropagation] Boolean Flag indicating if we should not propagate to the parent
[options.createdDefault] Boolean Default value to be used for if something has been created if one is not passed in by the query. Defaults to true
[options.fallbackFn] Function Default function to call as a fallback if nothing is left in the queue and a fallback function is not passed in with the query

$queueResult(result, [options]) -> QueryInterface

Queue a new success result from the mock database


Name Type Description
result Any The object or value to be returned as the result of a query
[options] Object Options used when returning the result
[options.wasCreated] Boolean Optional flag if a query requires a created value in the return indicating if the object was "created" in the DB
[options.affectedRows] Array.<Any> Optional array of objects if the query requires an affectedRows return value


QueryInterface: self

$queueFailure(error, [options]) -> QueryInterface

Queue a new error or failure result from the mock database. This will cause a query to be rejected with the given error/failure object. The error is converted into a BaseError object unless specified by the options.convertNonErrors parameter.
Alias $queueError


Name Type Description
error Any The object or value to be returned as the failure for a query
[options] Object Options used when returning the result
[options.convertNonErrors] Boolean Flag indicating if non Error objects should be allowed. Defaults to true


QueryInterface: self

$useHandler(handler) -> QueryInterface

Adds a new query handler from the mock database


Name Type Description
handler Function The function that will be invoked with the query.


QueryInterface: self

$clearQueue([options]) -> QueryInterface

Clears any queued query results
Alias $queueClear


Name Type Description
[options] Object Options used when returning the result
[options.propagateClear] Boolean Propagate this clear up to any parent QueryInterfaces. Defaults to false


QueryInterface: self

$clearHandlers([options]) -> QueryInterface

Clears any handles
Alias $handlersClear


Name Type Description
[options] Object Options used when returning the result
[options.propagateClear] Boolean Propagate this clear up to any parent QueryInterfaces. Defaults to false


QueryInterface: self

$clearResults([options]) -> QueryInterface

Clears any reesults (both handlers and queued results)
Alias $handlersClear


Name Type Description
[options] Object Options used when returning the result
[options.propagateClear] Boolean Propagate this clear up to any parent QueryInterfaces. Defaults to false


QueryInterface: self

$query([options]) -> Promise

This is the mock method for getting results from the QueryInterface. This function will get the next result in the queue and return that wrapped in a promise.


Name Type Description
[options] Object Options used for this query
[options.fallbackFn] Function A fallback function to run if there are no results queued
[options.includeCreated] Boolean Flag indicating if a created value should be returned with the result for this query. Defaults to false
[options.includeAffectedRows] Boolean Flag indicating if the query expects affectedRows in the returned result parameters. Defautls to false
[options.stopPropagation] Boolean Flag indicating if result queue propagation should be stopped on this query. Defaults to false
[options.query] String Name of the original query: "findOne", "findOrCreate", "upsert", etc.
[options.queryOptions] Object Array with the arguments passed to the original query method


Promise: resolved or rejected promise from the next item in the review queue